I Think He Might Be a Hypocrite

So, as I was tossing and turning last night…I remembered this story he told me one night while we naked sitting in bed looking at pictures on his phone…of course he did not seem to have a lot of interest in my pictures…probably because he had seen all of them since he was always inside my Facebook…towards the end never liking anything and certainly not posting…okay I digress…so we were sitting naked in bed and we were looking at pictures. Just that night he had gone to see Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds. He was showing me pics of the show and I guess his ex-girlfriend from years ago was there and posted some bogus shots from the show…she was making it look like the Nick Cave was singing to her and that she was in the front row. I asked to see a pic of her and I said, she is really pretty. He said no. It is all smoke and mirrors. She was crazy and slept around. He told me all of this nice stuff he had done for her. They had started dating after his first divorce. He said it was his first experience with a liar and a user. He did not realize that people could be like that. 

FUCKING HELLO BOY! iSN’T THAT WHAT YOU FUCKING DID? Telling me that I am your girl and then apparently not? Weren’t you just stringing me along? Using me? Taking advantage of my feelings for you? So I say HYPOCRITE! 

People out there in the blog-o-verse…listen up…if there is one fucking thing that I have certainly learned at this point from this whole heart breaking experience…is trust your gut! That is right TRUST YOUR GUT! I felt it. I knew that something was pulling at me. I just did not want to let go. I did not want to believe. I had stress and craziness pulling at me. I was in constant panic and overthought every little fucking thing…I wish I had been strong enough to walk away. I was so scared. I had this hope that I was wrong. I had this hope that it was going to turn around. That we were developing something and I was just being impatient. But alas, no. 

More blogging later…


I Made My First Joke

So I was in the car tonight with my friend and the song Lost Cause by Beck came on the radio! I was actually able to say…that is what ____(insert boys name here) is…a lost cause. Because frankly if he does not want me, who the fuck knows what he wants?! I certainly don’t.

I had my session with my life coach this morning…lots of tears,  lots of answered questions. I am still having trouble with this concept of if he is somehow less than…then why wouldn’t he want to be with me? If I am so great, why would he pass me up? Why do feelings change?

It’s like what, you are in love one minute and not the next? I would imagine at that point you have to look and maybe face the music that the feelings were not real to begin with. That hurts. This whole thing hurts. Looking at how I short changed what I want just so I could what, think that he would grow, change? I don’t know. My assignment this week is to take a look at what I am looking for in a relationship, write it down, look at it, know it and then put it into action…like do not settle for anything less. HELLO? I have never done that before. I have always been the type of person to try to make a square peg fit into a hole. So this is scary…

What if it takes forever? What if I never meet that person? What if I am that third wheel forever? Do you know how hard it is to show up to functions alone? With family? With friends? To parties? Everyone is coupled off. Then you see all of these happy people everywhere. All coupled off, holding hands, getting their loved one coffee, waiting with them, helping them, laughing with them…there is so much sorrow behind my perma-grin. 

So here I am alone again…no one to hold me, no one to sleep next to, no one to have sex with…it is me. No more cute texts, no future plans, no one to make out with, no one to hold hands with, no one to share with.

But in the end…I was able to make my first joke this evening…so I guess that is progress…

Blogging out for the night…


I Saw His Name

I saw his name. He posted on a mutual friends of ours wall and my heart sank. I want to be doing better. I thought I was. I know it is a process. I was happy to see that he has not changed his Facebook picture to him and his “new” girlfriend. Is it wrong that I really, really, really want him to hurt her the same way he hurt me? I just want proof that it is him and not me. 

It is hard to be in love with a poophead, a loser, a confused, immature, possible player guy. Who is also hides out and avoids confrontation. It is hard to still have hope. I sometimes think…fuck, if he did not want me…and I am pretty fucking awesome…I mean he did say that I was the best girlfriend ever…and even my ex says that I was an amazing wife…so if he did not want me, what the hell does he want? Well that is the answer…he does not know what he wants. He does feel pretty confident that he is not the man I think he is. I suppose I could be wrong, I mean it has been known to happen, especially concerning my faulty, pain-strickened love life.

I was sitting in my bed last night, watching Masters of Sex, paying bills and has this vision of him walking through my bedroom doors, like we were together. Like we were still a couple. It was an awesome vision. Do I want that with him or just want that with anyone? Is he just the face of my loneliness, my desire, my sadness?

My middle son wants me to get re-married. He is convinced that since his dad just got married that I will be happier having someone. I assure him not to worry, that I am okay. That I have the three of them to love and that I have a ton of love and friends and family in my life. All true…but this missing piece shit is so hard. Then I have a married guy friend of mine convinced and guaranteeing me that once I lick my wounds from this boy that I will meet “the one”! Then I have my coach saying that once I am happy with me and accept me then I will be ready and I will meet “the one”!

My text went off this morning early and for a second…I thought…what if it is him? What if he came to his senses and I am getting a wonderful good morning baby text from him? Every damn time that text ringer goes off…I spend a millisecond praying that it is him.

I was crying Saturday night, shouting/praying to God to send me a sign…show me something…what am I supposed to be doing…because all I seem to be seeing as of late is him. In my brain, on license plates, his name on the TV, everywhere. At that moment, my youngest called me all sad from his dads house. I took that as a sign.

But holy fuck…I miss him so much and I can only really express fully on here or with my coach. My friends have reached their limit, I would not discuss with my family…none of them have ever experienced this type of heartbreak and we are very different in general. I am on these dating sites and it is one bad yuck after another. I asked some guy who contacted me to share a little about himself and his response was “I’m rad”! WTF? My response was nothing! One guy told me he was a DJ and I was like way cool…then he disclosed he was a DJ at a strip club. What? Moving on now.

He, this guy, this love…he felt like he fit. I have never ever felt like that before…even with my ex. I have never felt so connected to another human being before. But none of that matters now. He does not feel that way about us anymore and he is not that man and I have no choice but to move on! I am sad.


Sadly blogging out…



Well I think it is finally beginning to sink in that I am acting like a total idiot. I am sitting here literally pining away for someone who not only lied to me, hurt me, but to top all of that off, did not even have the balls to contact to let me know he was no longer in love with me. 

SO WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING? I mean seriously! 

So, here is the brief awakening story…of course with my life coach…I am a total one note. So we met yesterday. I am dialing the phone thinking…I don’t want to face any of this today. I am not going to talk about any of this. I am sick of this topic. I am sick of being sad. This is really hard. Needless to say that is not what happened. I began to go into my usual rant of why doesn’t he want me, blah blah blah, what did I do, blah blah blah, you get the drift. So the nerve of my coach says…let’s look at this differently. The way you are thinking about this is BACKASSWARDS. She says, the real question is…why would you want him? Is that really the type of guy that want? And yes, she went on to say…you went through hell to get divorced, spent three years working on yourself, making sure your kids were on the right track, putting your relationship with them first, entering into co-parenting counseling with your ex…and what? Now this guy, who has hurt you and played around with you is the answer? The one?  I stopped. I felt sick. I got mad. At first I got mad at her, then him, then myself. All valid points. All great perspective. I have been focusing so much on the why? Like he was some man of all men…and in reality…not so much.

It is so hard to look at the reality of these situations. You know how some people like to make others the bad guy, like villanize them? Well, with guys…I totally do the opposite. I was told it was called canonizing. Like they are the almighty, they are everything. I don’t stop to look at the real situation. So, here it is people in the blog-o-verse…the moment of truth…my next assignment. I feel like I might throw up in my mouth but I gotta do this if I ever hope to change my ways. I have been assigned to make a realistic list of everything that really went down in this relationship. See it for what it really was and face my music. Judgement be damned…let’s see how caught up I really was at the idea of this boy.


Met him in late October of 2013.

We immediately connected and were on the phone for hours.

We met face to face a couple of weeks later and the sparks were amazing.

Here is the background (nothing too personal, just the basics) He has two ex-wives, two kids from one marriage and another from the second. He is completely at their whim. He travels for his job. Within the last eight years…he has had two divorces, lost both of his parents, his brother and a close friend of his. We are both similar in the ways of love falling in love. Fall fast.

And that is exactly what happened. Within that next week we committed to each other. Everything was going well. Then a couple months in he told me he loved me. I admit I was scared. He told me there was nothing to be scared of. I told him I loved him too. We went out a couple of days later and then after that…he completely backed off. After a week of me feeling I was chasing him about…he texted me saying he could not do this and broke up with me.

For the next couple of months we connected via text. A lot of it was hard. I missed him. We would talk about how we wanted things to be with us. He always found the right things to say. We saw each other a few times and it was always great. Then I decided I needed to back off. I was under a lot of stress with this whole thing with him. After 12 weeks, I contacted him and he was right back in it again. We got together, we talked things out and I really believed that this was it. Finally we were coming together. Yeah, I was so wrong. Like stupid wrong. For a good month or so things were just okay. And then he seemed to disappear again. I called him. No response. I finally sent him a message telling him how I felt and what I wanted. That is when I got the message back saying that he did not feel that way about us anymore, that he was sorry and that he was just not that man. The next morning I woke up to see on Facebook that some girl tagged him stating that she was in a relationship with him. He had sent her flowers a few days before that and she had posted this sappy thing on his wall.

OUCH! So, I am a fool. I just so badly want to be loved. I want to meet my penguin. I wanted him to be my penguin. That is what I thought. But after my stupid fucking life coach broke it down like that…which I am sure she had done before and I just was not ready to hear it…I see now. He is not my penguin. My penguin would not treat me like that. And then I read this article. I posted the link in my last blog post. It was amazing and opened my eyes further.

I drew an X on my hand, every time now that I find myself thinking about him…I look down and it reminds me that he is a NO!

Going to barf now…


Voices Carry

I can’t get the words out of my head. The words he typed, yes typed to me…the exact words were “I don’t feel that way about us anymore.” Excuse me, WTF? Since when? Were you going to tell me on your own? Did you stop feeling that way about me when you met this other girl? 

Why do feelings stop? There must be some psychological reason for the why…if there is not, there should be. It makes no sense…so two weeks before I am your girl and oh by the way…now I don’t feel that way about us anymore. I would like some sort of a lobotomy to remove those words. They carry through my brain and reach my heart and then the tears begin.

The crazy thing is, I totally did not believe him. I had myself convinced, in a serious way, that he was lying to himself and lying to me. Even now, sitting here at my desk typing this…I think…he is thinking about me. I will hear from him soon. He misses me. I mean what kind of crazy is that? 

I had two of my close male friends send me the same link today: http://markmanson.net/fuck-yes/  I have not read it yet. From what I was told that it is about relationships but it applies to life as well. If somebody isn’t excited to be with you, why would you want to be with them. OUCH! But then my mind immediately goes to that lovely insecure place, thanks mom, and I think…why would he not be excited to be with me. What is wrong with me? I am excited about me. My friends are excited about me. My kids are excited about me. My life coach seems excited about me. Even my ex-recently re-married husband seems excited about me. Why not him? Why not the one that I want? That I desire. Yes, I get it. He is just not the one. BLAH BLAH BLAH. It is him, not you. BLAH BLAH BLAH. That is all well and good and it is said with honesty and filled with good intention. But that does not make my pain go away. It does not fill the space in my heart that I feel. 

Then here is the worst place that I go…what could I have done differently? What did I do? Could I have changed the outcome? My life coach (sorry, I talk about her a lot) says that I am experiencing grief. I am grieving and then she goes through the five stages of grief and all I can think of is…yes I know you are right. It is true. It sounds true…but then I say…okay, but why doesn’t he want me anymore? What makes this girl special and not me? 

Exhaustedly blogging out for the night…



He ruined Facebook for me

Well I suppose not literally…but due to my feelings I would look forward to seeing what he was up to on Facebook. Now…I log on and feel an absence. It is not the same. It makes me think of him. Then I miss him. Then I get sad. Then I start picturing the girl he is with now. (on side note, it has been about a week since I have performed any of my stalker-ish tendencies…so I am really not sure what is going on there…but what I do know…is I don’t want to see.)

All of this makes me wonder, why are some people good together and last and others don’t? I read something somewhere that woulds speak to souls. I thought my soul was speaking with his, but it would only make sense if that were true then his soul would have responded back. Well, in that thought, I guess it did. His soul just did not say the things I wanted it to say. I felt so amazing with him. I had never felt like that before. Even with my husband of 10 years, the father of my children. I am honestly really scared I am never going to feel that again…like ever again. Was it a fluke? Was it prepping me something “real”? Something lasting? Something that I deserve?

My life coach recommended I look to see what I learned from this relationship. What I learned about myself. My homework is to make a list. So here is my list:

1) I learned that I tend to lose myself in relationships

2) I jump in with both feet and stop looking at who the person really is

3) I am in love with that “love” feeling. I may be an addict of sorts

4) At the end of the day I just really want to be seen and loved for who I am and I will make any compromise to get it


Okay, I can’t write anymore. That is a ton of truth.

Blogging out…


Who does that?

I feel like an idiot. Falling for him. Believing him. Lying to myself. All the signs were there, I just did not want to look. I did not want to believe. My life coach called it magical thinking. Like what the fuck does that mean? Is it wrong to want to believe? Is it wrong to believe in people? In men? In love? I can’t believe that I really thought it was all going to work out in my favor!

And now, I am here. In pain. Where is he? Moved on. Moved on to someone else. I wanted to be the bigger person, like oh, this does not bother me. But I had to de-friend him and try to reduce my stalker-ish tendencies. Which of course is driving my bananas. What does she have that I don’t? Why her? Why not me? Why did he feelings change for me? Could I have done something different? Why did I ignore what my body was clearly telling me?

So, if it is not him…which I totally thought it was…like some silly school girl…then who? And when? I want nothing more for him to call me up and say “I was so stupid and wrong…you are the one!” That shit only happens in the minds of movie and TV writers. I have to face the music. I have to know that he was just the first since my divorce and not my last. He was not my penguin. What if I never feel that way again? I am so mad. I want to scream. I want to scream at him. At least I am smart enough to know it would not do anything. Except maybe make me look like an obsessed fool.

Unrequited love is the worst. It is so painful. So he is an ass and I feel like I made an ass out of myself.